SUN CSA is organizing for its members' organizations for nutrition-sensitive agriculture training on coming 8 to 10 March 2023. The total seats allowed will be 50 and all members described in the table are selected and encouraged to attend the virtual training facilitated by LEARN team from Save the Children.
Selected Participants for Virtual Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Training
Sr. | Name | Position | Organization |
1 | Zaw Moe | MNCHN project manager | Plan International Myanmar |
2 | Zayar Aung | Project Manager | Myanmar Health Assistant Association (MHAA) |
3 | Daw Thein Aye | Chair | Pin Myint Tazin Women Development organization |
4 | Naing Wn Latt | Agriculture Specialist | KMSS-NO |
5 | Chit Hnin Oo | Supervisor | Kanlat Metta |
6 | Zaw Min Thein | Agriculture Officer | Myanmar Institute For Integrated Development |
7 | NAIDING HKUN MAI | Program Manager Health and Nutrition | CHAD Community Health And Development |
8 | Hka Mai | Field officer | CHAD Community Health And Development |
9 | seng pan | Field Officer | CHAD Community Health And Development |
10 | Ja Len Hkawn | Assistant Project Coordinator | CHAD Community Health And Development |
11 | Htu Ring | Field Officer | CHAD Community Health And Development |
12 | Ja Mun Mai | Field Officer | CHAD Community Health And Development |
13 | Naw Sant | Field officer | CHAD Community Health And Development |
14 | Wun Tu | field officer | CHAD Community Health And Development |
15 | Ma Aye | Finance | Kyal Sin May |
16 | Mr. Zau Ran | Project Coordinator | Community Health and Development |
17 | Than Tun | Project Manager | Mawk Kon Local Development Organizartion |
18 | Shwe Zin Htet | Program Officer | CPI |
19 | Nang Than Than Nyunt | Project director | Loi Kham Women Org |
20 | U Ye Naing Soe | Chair | Cohesion Development Group |
21 | Myint Maung Soe | Secretariat | Future Peace and Human Resources Development Group |
22 | Moemoekhaing | Secretariat | Pin Lel Pyar Yal Phan Ti Shin |
23 | U Myint Maung | Executive Director | Human Action and Development Association |
24 | U Zaw Win | networking coordinator | Thein Than Aung |
25 | Nan Zar Chi Tun | Director | Taung Chun Myae |
26 | Kyaw Thu Lin | Program officer | Taung Chun Myae |
27 | Saw Thaw Bluth Mue | Community facilitator | Taung Chun Myae |
28 | Saline Tun Min Din | Facilitator | Taung Chun Myae |
29 | Nan Than Shwe | Community Facilitator | Taung Chun Myae |
30 | Moet Moet Khaing | Field Coordinator | WorldFish Myanmar |
31 | Mung Suan Kap | Aquaculture Technical Officer | Ar Yone Oo Social development |
32 | U Kyi Thu | Chairperson | Gwa Township Farmers Union |
33 | Naing Min San | Community faciliataor | Taung Chun Myae |
34 | Khin Myat Soe | Project Manager | WorldFish |
35 | Yu Maung | Field Coordinator | World Fish |
36 | Daw Ohnma | Field Coordinator | YPDO |
37 | Zarni Htun | Project Manager | KMSS Kengtung |
38 | Daw San San Cho | Leader | Hope for Children |
39 | Lwin Cho Oo | Coordnator | Myint Myat Thu Toe Nhlone Tar |
40 | Khin Ma Ma | Chair | Lin Yaung Chi |
41 | Aye Myat Myat Thein | Secretariat | Green Creature |
42 | Su Lat Mon | Secretariat | Pan Din Shin |
43 | Khaing Mar Lar Nwe | Project Officer | Sympathy Hands |
44 | Kam Pome Cing | Community Facilitator | Ar Yone Oo |
45 | Saw Shamwela | Gender and Social Inclusion Coordinator | WorldFish |
46 | Khup Lam Tuang | Community facilitator | Ar Yone Oo |
47 | Ma New Ni Oo | Accountant | May Doe Arr Man |