The training will be given by the facilitators from the Capacity Building Initiatives (CBI) Organization from Yangon. Selected participants are shown in the following table.
Selected Participants for Proposal Writing Training
No | Name of the participant | M/F | Title (Position) | Organization Name | Type of your organization |
1 | U Hla Myint | Male | Chairperson | Rakhine State Disability Organization (RSDO) | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
2 | Shwe Yadanar Naing | Female | Chairperson | Kyal Sin May Development Organization | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
3 | Min Thu Aung | Male | Deputy Regional Program Manager | Myanmar Health Assistant Association | Non-governmental Organization (NGO) |
4 | Thida San | Female | Chair | Ayar Shae Saung | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
5 | Keinnayee | Female | Director | Kanlat Metta Organization | Local non-governmental Organization (LNGO) |
6 | Nang Than Than Nyunt | Female | Director | Loi Kham Women Organization | Local non-governmental Organization (LNGO) |
7 | Naiding Hkun Mai | Male | Health and nutrition PC | CHAD | Local non-governmental Organization (LNGO) |
8 | U Thaung Kywal | Male | Chair | Paung Su Inn Ahr | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
9 | Daw Moe Moe Khaing | Female | Secretariat | Pin Lel Pyar Phan Teshin | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
10 | Lwin Cho Oo | Female | Coordinator | Myint Myat Thu Toe Nhlone Tar | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
11 | Nan Zar Chi Htun | Female | Director | Taung Chung Myay | Local non-governmental Organization (LNGO) |
12 | DawTheinTheiAye | Female | Chair | Pin Myint Tazin (Women) | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
13 | Ma Lae Lae Wai | Female | Chair | LanPyaKyal Youth | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
14 | Aye Myat Myat Thein | Female | Secretariat | Green Creature | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
15 | Phyo Myat Pan | Female | Programme Officer | Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID) | Non-governmental Organization (NGO) |
16 | Mee Phyaw | Female | Grants Manager | Karuna Mission Social Solidarity ( KMSS) | Non-governmental Organization (NGO) |
17 | Khin Ma Ma | Female | Chair | Lin Yaung Chi | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
18 | Nann Wine | Female | Director | Integrated Development Executive Association (IDEA) | Local non-governmental Organization (LNGO) |
19 | Daw Myint Myint Than | Female | Leader | Kyaiklet Yay Lotetar Asu Aphwint | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
20 | Than Tun | Male | Project Manager ( Nutrition & WASH) | Mawk Kon Local Development Org. | Local non-governmental Organization (LNGO) |
21 | Daw hla San htwe | Female | Chair | Maydoearrman | Local non-governmental Organization (LNGO) |
22 | Aung Tin San | Male | PM | Delta Voice (Pone Yeik Sit) | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
23 | U San Tun | Male | Networking coordinator | Thein Than Aung | CSO |
24 | Cho Cho Win | Male | Projector Manager | Youth Personality Development Organization | CSO |
25 | U Kyi Thu | Male | Chairperson | Gwa Township Farmers Union | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
26 | Daw San San Cho | Female | Leader | Hope for children | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
27 | U Moe Tagyan | Male | Member | Myint Ma Ayeyawady | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
28 | U Myint Soe | Male | Chair | Alin Taggar | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
29 | Daw Khin Mar Kyu | Female | Chair | Phwint Phyoe Wai Sar | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
30 | Daw Khin Myint Kyi | Female | Secretariat | Pan Daing Shin | Community-based Organization (CBO) |