1. Background on the SUN CSA
Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) is a global movement that aims to unite governments, civil society, businesses and individuals worldwide to end malnutrition. In May 2013, the Government of the Union of Myanmar signed onto the SUN Movement, demonstrating its commitment to improving the nutrition, health and wellbeing of its citizens. The SUN Civil Society Alliance (CSA) in Myanmar was launched in February 2015.
As one of the networks of the SUN Movement in Myanmar, the SUN CSA aims to be a catalyst for sustained public, political and financial commitment and action to address malnutrition in Myanmar through the continued development of a strong, coordinated civil society constituency that supports further development and wider implementation of the nutrition agenda. Since its launch in February 2015, the SUN CSA Myanmar has grown to an alliance of 52 civil society organizations (36 local) working in seven states and regions around Myanmar. The SUN CSA held its first general assembly workshop in August 2015. On November 22nd and 3rd,
2016, the SUN CSA held its second annual general assembly workshop for all members.
2. Purpose and objectives of the workshop
The purpose of the General Assembly Workshop was to strengthen the SUN CSA Myanmar through learning, participatory strategic planning, and experience sharing. Specific objectives of the workshop were:
• To raise awareness of CSA members on the SUN Movement globally and in Myanmar;
• To make connections and build relationships between CSA members working in related geographic and thematic areas;
• To share the latest evidence on the nutrition situation in Myanmar and global advocacy messages for nutrition;
• To identify key expected outcomes and activities for the SUN CSA in 2017.
3. Workshop participants
The SUN CSA General Assembly Workshop was attended by eighty-seven participants from 11 international NGOs, 39 local and community-based NGOs, 2 government agencies as well as 2 UN agencies and 1 donor agency. Attending international NGOs, government agencies, UN and donors are working throughout Myanmar, while local NGOs and community-based organizations (CBOs) are working in seven states and regions: Ayeyarwaddy, Chin, Kachin, Magway, Mandalay, Rakhine, and Shan. Annex 1 contains a complete list of participants, including their positions and organizations.
4. Description of workshop activities
This section presents a brief overview of the sessions included in the General Assembly Workshop. A complete agenda is included in Annex 2.