Membership Criteria
Following the principle of inclusiveness of the SUN movement, membership is open to any civil society organization or institution in Myanmar committed to improving nutrition outcomes through nutrition-specific or nutrition-sensitive works. Joining the CSA should however be an institutional choice and not an individual one. Organizations that are already members of another network of the SUN Movement will not be eligible for SUN CSA membership.
Community-based, local, regional, national and international non-governmental civil society organizations (CSOs) as well as professional associations engaged in nutrition-specific and/or nutrition-sensitive programming are eligible for membership. In order to ensure that the SUN CSA contributes to a country-led effort to scale up efforts to improve nutrition, the alliance will actively work to increase membership and enhance participation of local and community-based CSOs. Each member will have an equal status and is requested to actively participate. Applications for membership will be reviewed by the CSA Secretariat and approval will be the norm except in special circumstances where an applicant’s goals or interests conflict with those of the SUN Movement. Similarly, should a member organization develop a conflict of interest with SUN CSA’s objectives the organization will no longer be eligible for membership.
Individuals working on direct nutrition interventions as well as those from organizations for whom nutrition may not be a strategic focus are welcome to become friends of the SUN CSA to follow the efforts of the Alliance and receive regular progress updates.